About Us

We are a community of sinners who through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ are saved by God's grace through faith. Because God loved us first we are able to love Him while loving one another as we Learn Christ, Love Christ and Live Christ.

Our Pastor

Pastor Denny Hoynes is a 2003 graduate of Moody Bible Institute. He came to us in 2016 with the merging of Emmaus Bible Fellowship (the church he pastored for 13 years) and Bible Community Church. After serving as our Co-Pastor for 4.5 years, Pastor Denny semi-retired in 2021 but continued to serve the congregation in various roles. God called him back to the role of Pastor in 2024. Denny has been married to his wife and ministry partner Nancy for 28 years.


What we Believe


The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest message ever known! We desire to see that message spread throughout the world so that all may hear. We currently support full-time missionaries here in the US as well as Canada, Central and South America, Europe and Asia. It is a privilege to partner with these men and women and their families for the glory of God.
